We have finished the action «Acorn autumn 2022»!

As a result of this action, 153 kg of acorns, 5 kg of nuts and 2 kg of seeds were collected.

On October 12, the student council of the primary school and grade 8 A took the autumn gifts to the zoo on behalf of the whole school community. We hope that the inhabitants of the zoo enjoyed our gifts!

In gratitude and for further cooperation, the zoo administration handed over 45 free tickets to visit the zoo. All of these tickets will be given to the children of the Kovcheg orphanage so that they can visit the Almaty zoo during the autumn holidays!


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190 Al Farabi Avenue, Almaty, Kazakhstan | Tel.: +7 (727) 313-39-34, +7 (771) 104 00 80 | E-mail: secretary@miras.kz
