A spark of hope

In this life, any man in any place is given unlimited opportunities to do good things to people. It is necessary not to pass by, not to turn away, not to look away if someone nearby obviously needs your help. Tomorrow any of us can be in such a state.






Despite the school holidays have begun, the Miras community continues helping those who are in need.

Only a short time ago, we learned about a little boy Roma, who has a serious eye disease: retinopathy of prematurity that is a very rapid retinal detachment in both eyes. During the last three years of his life, Roma has already had 7 very important operations to see the light or the Sun. Although the doctors said that the baby will be blind, Roma’s mother is not going to give up and does the best to make her son happy!

The Class 11 IB teachers and students gave Roma’s mother 260,000 tenge, which are so necessary for his treatment.

We thank everyone who gave Roma a small spark of hope to get recovered!

Let’s do good deeds together!

















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